25 January 2009

the modern prometheus...

What a beast! As you can gather from the picture, I'm currently reading Frankenstein for Kelly's class. It is such a splendid novel! Thankfully I completed my outline, so at least I'm relieved of that hassle. In between reading, listening to some Guster and texting Jamie, I thought it would be nice to drop a relatively unobtrusive, inconspicuous blog post. :)

This weekend was entertaining enough. Friday night we celebrated Laura's 17th birthday and amply enjoyed ourselves. Saturday was mostly (to no surprise) dedicated to band activities, with the pep band rehearsing and playing for the basketball games. Later that evening I went to Patriot Idol, a really talented bunch we got there... Saturday night I unwittingly locked myself out, so I stayed at Jon's grandparents' with him...what an interesting time. Haha.

When I finally made it into my own house today, I promptly had some very yummy chocolate chip waffles and made my way to the garage to commence the daunting task of......(duhn, duhn, duhnnnnnnnnn.......) going through my outrageous collection of, oh I don't know, about 10 Bibles, at least 4 of which are Precious Moments originals, each with my name engraved on the cover; pretty much every piece of schoolwork since the Kindergarten, and even my Pre-school graduation napkins from "The UMC class of '96"; and brochures from every touristy spot I've ever been and rocks from Iceland. I have a problem. I don't get rid of anything. I am more or less confident that I have overcome my separation anxiety and managed to rid myself of all my birthday cards from my whole life, and those vocab worksheets from the 3rd grade. To emphasize how serious this is, I tell you: I even got rid of books. Books. I haven't read them, but they sure look lovely on my shelf and make me feel accomplished and cultured. 

Well, I suppose I shall return to my reading. I bid you ado.

22 January 2009

Keep On Keepin' On...

still hanging on. 
That's pretty much what I'm doing. Oh, and procrastinating. At this very moment, such impending dooms await me: extended reading in Frankenstein (btw, I am absolutely in love with Shelley's writing style! Her words just flow so well and nicely.), studying for a rather gruesome Biology test, contemplating my future, and reading for an annoying History test. What am I doing? Watching Scrubs, duh!

Not much new has happened recently, I find myself in the usual dross of school, band, etc. We're moving this weekend, and I'm rather ready to have some fun in a new environment. The set up looks to be wonderful, with my room a bit secluded and exiting to the patio :D

Well, my friends, I'm off to diving into the Jansport, rummaging around til I find some work to do. It shouldn't be hard. Cheers!

P.S. This looks way better on FLICKR, so go see it! 

09 January 2009

Pretty Great.

Hey, friends. I'm just chatting away on the phone, so just a quick fun picture for your viewing pleasure. :) I love it.

03 January 2009

It's Raining...

It's pouring here in Florida! Although while we were out it was comfortable and sunny. I'm typing this in the midst of a rather aggressive Wii tournament. A special note: I absolutely stink at everything! I did manage to win a baseball game a while ago. My cousin is in love with technology, if for no other reason than that they're shiny. My brother and I are very good at hiding out in the guest bedroom. Despite earlier setbacks (causing an outlet to spark and smoke), we have created for ourselves a..."connected" environment. If you were to peer in at any time of the night, you would find a couple of zombies making glances between laptops, television and cell phones. 

Oh, yay! Robot Chicken is on. Speaking of hilarious randomness, I found this whilst Stumbling:

Forgive me, but it does warrant some strategically placed, embarrassingly cliché text lingo: LMAO.

02 January 2009

New Year!

OMG, my friends, it's 2009! Hope everyone had a nice holiday and started the year off properly. I'm currently hanging out with aunt, uncle and cousin in Florida and having too much fun. We went to the beach (above) today and cycled down towards Fort Pickens. I dare say the most entertaining attraction was the population of seagulls. We had lots of fun throwing off-brand Cheez-Its at them, but they don't like those quite as much as sour cream and onion potato chips. A few members of the flock:

Such fun. Happy New Year.