So, let me just say that this trip definitely ranks up there on the "most enjoyable/difficult to describe/this is really weird but would do it again" list :) Hayley and I went to none other than Springdale, Arkansas, to stalk out our favourite family: The Duggars. The preparation for this journey is equally as important as the trip itself. Hayley and I "immersed ourself immensely in the Duggar culture"---that is to say, we got religion. Haha. Certain literature is essential to such an adventure, namely
Intended for Pleasure: Sex Technique and Sexual Fulfillment in Christian Marriage as well as the Duggar book. Preliminary efforts also include fully equipped outfits of: denim jumpers, gardening hats, an (what we will say) aluminum alloy promise ring, faithfully enscribed with "True Love Waits" and roses, gaudy cross pins, ribbed socks that fold down (no other way!) and some canvas keds. Each piece of the ensemble really comes together to provide the wholesome Christian girl outfit. To me, the Keds really say, "Gee, I think I'll just not think about things anymore, get married, and have kids. It is, after all, my duty." Thankfully, I took those right off once we returned home. (That's right, we wore those babies home.) Here's a shot pre-adventure, you know, Hayley assimilating herself with the culture:
On the way there, many idiosyncratic and inexplainable joys were shared; I will do my best to convey such things. Without question we listened to ample amounts of Coldplay and quirky independent rock things that we have come to share :) Another treat, moreso universally understood than Of Montreal's "Tim I Wish You Were Born a Girl", was also eventually located within the blasted and immediately annoying town of Conway:

A Dairy Queen. Thank you, Jesus Lord.

See how annoying Conway is:

Only after dipped cones were in hand could we continue with our mission.

Now, on the way, we were, unsurprisingly, trafficking drugs. This simple and easily expected fact shouldn't shock any of you. I mean, the Springdale police were very convinced. After being pulled over for the mortal sin of following too closely (we transgressed because unfortunately at this time we weren't wearing the magic dress of obedience), it is only natural for the extremely eager police of Springdale to assume that we were, in fact, hiding a kilo in our Girl Scout tents. The police were very thourough, with a search lasting quite some time. We were extrememly suspicious travellers, with an apparently overcomplicated story and "no specific destination." Now, who really wants to take the time to explain this story to a policeman: "Oh, hello, officer. You see, I'm from Tennessee, she from Texas. How do we know each other? Well, we work at a summer camp in Missouri. Where are we coming from? Memphis. No, neither of us live there, but we were visiting Grandma. No, no, we aren't planning to go to any clubs. What is in Springdale? Ummm....welll...... (At this point the officer stuck his head in to look around and inevitably saw the wonderful literature,

so I was pressed to tell him that we did, in fact, LOVE the Duggars, and just wanted to have a look around. Whew. Complicated. The officer even told me what road they lived on; I thought that odd. Apparently our story with Grandma wasn't enough because they kept trying to see if we had "been in some clubs" or why we weren't in Ft. Lauderdale. ?. Haha. It was extremely entertaining, but we did have to keep our distance, and properly measure the lengths betwixt each car depending on our speed. Hayley never forgot.

Lodging: an integral part of any journey. We were blessed enough (God was really watching out for us!) to stay at perhaps the shadiest establishment in Springdale, the Springdale Inn, with Restauran attached! Room 141, how I love you. Before we could snuggle in, we went to an authentic mexican eatery. To be honest, I think the whole damn town could pass for authentic mexican (NOT Hispanic, as we later debated)....why? Why were there so many Mexicans in ....Arkansas? Befuddling. Why would there be a legitimate drug problem in...Springdale? I just don't understand. Eventually we were able to overcome many things: a fear of car burglary, staring beady eyes, and our ignorance of the Spanish language, and ordered some tasty chicken taquito thing.

After a wonderful night of spooning and life discussions in room 141, Hayley and I modelled our garb rather wonderfully.

We found the birthing place of many Duggars:

....And returned to Champion Motorcars, Josh's (eldest Duggar son) car lot.

In case you didn't know, running a used car lot is deeply flowing through Duggar veins. I would like to take this opportunity to define what we are really talking about here, to help you grasp the ponderosity of what I'm describing.
Champion (ch ampēən): "A person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition."
Motorcar (mōtərˌkär): "A road
vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor and able to carry a limited number of people.
Moving on.....
The Duggars actually live in Tontitown, so, with heavy hearts and saddened, glassy eyes, we turned away from glorious Springdale. I miss you to this day.
In Tontitown.......

On Arbor Acres Avenue....

Next to a strange and indistinct factory of some kind....
You will find THE DUGGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glorious, exuberant, overjoyed were we. Some photographic proof:

Personally, I was extremely surprised at how close they live to the road, or any other people, for that matter. Also, extremely thankful :D
As the Lord hath taught us, what with the apple eating and all, all good things must come to an end, and thus we left the home. I did think I saw Josh and Anna driving, but upon closer following, they turned the wrong way. Damn.
Hayley and I did the righteous and more entertaining thing, as we are wont to do, and remained in our garb until arrival to Memphis. This turned out to be an especially rewarding decision, thanks to the old man at Chic-fil-A, who commented, "Well, Ladies, those are some nice summer dresses." Yeah, it was totally worth getting those stray crumbs falling through the button-up front to keep that jumper on.

Hayley is the queen of driving at strange hours to do awkward things and I love her.
These, my friends, are the faces of happy people, expressions that may be worn only be two stalker-ish, slightly neurotic and amazing adventurers. :)
And thus you have read the most complete documentation of the journey that I may tell.
Too bad you did not go up to their house and ask them if you could join their church service. If it was not a Sunday you could ask them their days and hours of the service. I think your story would have been more complete if you actually met one of them and talked to them.
Well, of course the story (not to mention my life) would be more complete if I had met them, but they were out of town. The tour bus was gone.
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