13 March 2009

I bought this chicken...

And I want to be a star! I bought the toy chicken (as seen in the video) a few days ago. I have grand adventures planned for us. This video is not very good and I am in no way satisfied, but it serves as a premise to greatness, like all tacky things tend to lend themselves. Other than this, not much is new, really. I continue to fill out gobs of paperwork relating to my future at the glorious Earlham College (yes, I will be a Quaker...). I am also in the heat of passion planning for a most splendid adventure down to Springdale, AR. Now, if you have a habit of "checking in" on particular famous people (as I do) you will note this to be the home of a certain Dugger family. Hayley and I are VERY excited. Many great things have been tossed around: purity rings, denim jumpers, ridiculous bangs, and test driving cars from Champion Motorcars :) Fantastic times. I am also responsible for the literature we will need to engross ourselves in this sub-culture known as people who adamently (and creepily) love Jesus to an undefinable extent. Examples? Well, a proper Bible, of course, as well as Intended for Pleasure, a guide for couples on their wedding night. It should be a most....educational journey. Anywho, watch the video:

1 comment:

SuzanneDeAz said...

So did you wear a purity ring when you went on this trip?