30 November 2008
Current Obsession.
So here's what's on my mind, helping to keep me distracted from important work of applications and supplements and etc etc etc....
29 November 2008
You Know How to Holla G-UNIT...
What up? Sometimes I get in these moods where I listen to a few of my favourite rap songs and I'm totally pumped. It's pretty lame, but 50's Get Rich or Die Tryin' CD is like, whoa! I know, it's so old and lousy and all that, but I have fun. Tomorrow is the last day before my application to Earlham is due. To be honest, I hadn't looked at the application until today and it wasn't what I had expected. I had created a menacing image of grueling questions with impossible answers, but the Common App is pretty simple...I'll just write about J. Low and be done with it :) Earlham does have a Supplement, but hopefully that won't take too long.
Well, Henry County finally lost. It was a heartbreaking scene; grown men weeping and girls hyperventilating. Absolutely tragic. They played an outstanding season, however, and my condolences to everyone who was really impacted by the loss. This does mean that the HCHS Marching Patriots have exactly NO more Friday night obligations! Senior marching band has not been that enjoyable at all. People are waaay too stupid to be able to roam around like they do. I must hope that concert will be immensely better, but I know in my heart of hearts I wait in vain.
Speaking of vanity, I do love some classic Carly. I currently have The Con by Tegan and Sara on repeat. They are pretty rockin'. Something else particularly short of a miracle: my room has been mildly clean for nearly a week!
I have more or less much enjoyed the time out of school, even if it means nothing other than I am not forced to lug around my backpack (woohoo Jansport).
I may have seen my mother's Christmas shopping list for everyone. I am looking forward to Wii Music and a new camera...well, not that there was an old one...
Waffles? I should rest up now...my mother and I have a "breakfast date" with friends at precisely 7:00 in the morning. Not cool. Ha.
27 November 2008
Tofurkey My Knurkey, Y'all.
Happy Thanksgiving! Today was pleasant enough, if not at least entertaining with my
young cousin. The other night in kickboxing, this girl was talking about how
vegetarians spend their Thanksgivings. Well, it's not that hard. Soy can be turned into
anything, so we are pretty much set. Judging by the title, I began this with Tofurkey on
my mind, the healthy, well seasoned and peaceful alternative to our fowl friends.
However, when I went to find a video on YouTube to lessen the necessity of my
typings, I was led to Turducken videos. The girl in kickboxing also mentioned this
edible portmanteau, if you will. I was like, "WTF;" much the same response warranted
by the above clip. Anywho, I hope everyone enjoyed their festivities :)
btw: idk how to make it right with a video, in case you hadn't noticed. haha.
26 November 2008
Who You Callin' an Idiom?
Hey friends. I'm here at my grandparents' house watching Richie Rich. Oh, Macauley Caulkin-totally old school. So tomorrow is Thanksgiving! What a treat. There's Lemon Mousse in the freezer and freshly made Oreo balls all ready for tomorrow. Plus, I'm naturally looking forward to the stuffing :) Hooray. My uncle, aunt and their small child have ventured up from Florida, so tomorrow will surely be a day of family fun. Now, what am I thankful for? Of course, the obvious answers: family, friends, food, shelter, clothing, etc. I am also immensely appreciative of my ambitions. Sadly, so many people have no drive, no force behind their lives. I hope to grow into an intelligent, contributing member of society. In mentioning important things, EVERYTHING required for my college applications is due Monday. What do you think I've done? That's right, absolutely nothing. I do, however, have one rockin' recommendation letter from a certain Kelly Paschall. It's a beautiful thing.
I have always wanted to go fencing. When I was a child, it represented that certain lifestyle of elegance, prominence and culture. It would be great fun. (The movie makes me think of this.) Speaking of my childhood, I was always very concerned with historical reputations. For some time I was completely obsessed with King Harold Godwinson and his role in the Battle of 1066. This fixation was no doubt welcomed by one of my favourite novels at the time, The King's Shadow. As many of you know, I also went through that terribly indulgent British craze...God Save the Queen.
Today I went to the eye doctor and am slowly but surely getting used to a rather invasive pair of contact lenses. After the most unfortunate break of my more or less "trademark" purple glasses, I decided it was time to go for an update. I couldn't find any satisfying frames, so I'm still on the prowl.
The picture above is from Volunteer Girls State, taken through the peephole. Such a fun day :)
Oh, and I DID get the invite back to camp! Hooray!
Well, I bid you ado, and wish you a happy day of thanks.
18 November 2008
Extra Thoughts.

Well, as usual, I am procrastinating. Honestly, that thicker-than-average Biology packet is not that attractive. Something that I cannot wait for? Britney's For the Record special that will be on MTV this Sunday! I am super excited. It's lame, but I really love Britney Spears. She has been through a lot, more than any normal person can fathom and it is no one's place to judge her or anyone else. Plus, I have EVERY album. I know my Britney, bitch.
Not much else is happening. I am also very excited about Thanksgiving :) I particularly love stuffing. So good. Inevitably, a holiday means days out of school! Now, this convalescence will, of course, be interrupted by a hardy football match. You must understand...we are "the torchbearers of tradition-Patriot pride personified!" This belief is fundamental in the lives of many citizens here. Well, not particularly the band; we are just set up for failure and have no standards. Our Christmas show was not "cool" in the least.
Another of my guilty pleasures? Elton John. He owns, and there is no debating. I also know my Elton. I've got albums like no other nearly average person.
I'm on the search for a suitable senior quote for the yearbook. It needs to embody so many things; a very comprehensive, expressive, intelligent, significant group of words. So many choices. In searching, I did find this particularly funny quote, if not mildly inappropriate:
“Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.”
—Woody Allen.
—Woody Allen.
Hahahaha. Well, I should be off, there's reading to be done. And applications. And this general thing called life.
P.S. I started a blog with some formal writings from recent years. View my profile. :)
15 November 2008
My POA is MIA.

Hey howdy ho, yo! Today I am a bit heartbroken because a certain invitation did not make its way to my email inbox. But, what am I going to do in July? I haven't been home in July in 5 years! I've been in Great Britain, Iceland and J. Low. My dearest friends weren't receivers either, so we'll just go on a trip-to little Kentwood, Louisiana, to Serenity Ranch :) Hooray. Camp has been the single greatest experience of my life, and I've met many of my very closest friends there. It's helped make me a better person and taught me various skills. Plus, it was a total P-A-R-T-Why? 'Cuz I gotta! ha. Yep, we had some grand ol' times. Pictured above: some good buddies :)
I did receive the 2nd installment of the Decemberists Single Series. This time the vinyl is an attractive tealy blue and I love it. I'm anxiously awaiting the new tour...I need to know how many hours I have to drive ;)
Here's something really ghetto: I had to tape my saxophone with electrical tape because it is a piece of junk. Poor Johnny, he's served me well. And last nights confusion in the rain did nothing but worsen his malfunctions, I assure you.
Well, I say good day to you, for I should be doing something productive like college applications or cleaning or influencing young minds. I'll get back to you.
12 November 2008
Well, today was Wednesday! Hooray for All West Rehearsals! While today was not really a good practice (just very unfocused) there's something cathartic in playing a dear saxophone :) The piece isn't really that hard once you play it. I should really work on those blasted scales. Ew. What am I doing? I'm procrastinating from copying down the entire Chapter 5 in my economics book. I have such rubbish to look forward to because I did not pay any attention at all to her "rabbit chases." Oh well, I'll just plug up the 'Pod and crank things up...I can do anything with music. A specific Bible verse comes to mind. Strength.
It is wet and dull outside, possibly a weatherly response to our feelings these days. It's that time of year that is inevitable: a time post-line. The line represents a comfortable amount of time spent with a concentrated group of people. Now, once you have crossed over this line, everyday is like a time bomb, eager to explode with drama and new entertainment worth little more than the vapour of the breaths spent to say. Perhaps because I know it no other way, or perhaps because I know best (psht), I feel that this post-line time is only amplified into greater tragedy because of marching band. This thought could also be aided by the considerations (1) a greater number of my friends are in band and (2) it is all I do during these days. The cure for this illness? Christmas break. It can't come soon enough.
I'm absolutely in love with Wagon Wheel. I want someone to sing a similar song to me :) hahaha. I am a sucker for fiddles and banjos and weepy, tacky expressions with geographical aid.
I bid you farewell.
10 November 2008
Silence Means Consensus.

So, I've returned from Earlham with a fresh look at things, and with satisfaction of finding exactly what I sought. Earlham is full of young minds eager to engage themselves in a changing world, and fears of inadequacies were soon put to rest; in retrospect they now seem ridiculous and another token of proof towards my mild paranoia. Anyways, it was a wonderful stay. My host was really helpful in means of the real side of Earlham life; I was present for bitch sessions, party planning and, perhaps most importantly: free donuts. It is a rich community, and one that I soon hope to be a part. In addition, the food was splendid and there are lots of books!
Earlham also continued to remind me of J. Low. It was strange...like J. Low, with boys. Lots of people have buttons saying "I heart Consensus" and all that went through my mind was eye-contact and a silent room.
I sat in on EcoBio and Basic French...pretty interesting stuff. Pictured above is Bundy Hall, the dormitory in which I stayed. It was a cozy stay and I heard tell of it being the best-all the more reason for me to reside there-ha. Hopefully I will be awarded lots of cash!
In other news: WTF is wareate.com? I googled it and learned how sketch it was after someone told me a picture of mine was on there. Lame stains, scams and all. Well, tomorrow I return to my normal, unimpressive life, falling deeper into the set schedule by which I circumstantially choose to live. My wishes to you.
08 November 2008
Fall Preview.

Good day. I should really be packing now, but most likely won't be able to focus until after midnight-it's how I work. Ha. Tomorrow I'm going to Earlham College for a fall preview day, including an overnight stay and a day of classes. I am extremely nervous! I am building up the mindset of "just go for it" and treating it as an adventure, but...it's the little things that I obsess over. Par example: when in these situations taking a shower is risky business, all types of things could mix up the morning. Also, WTF am I supposed to do with my hair!? On a more serious note, somewhere in the deep recesses of my being I am really frightened that I'm not smart enough to be there. I mean, I'm confident and relatively knowledgeable but when it comes down to it, I don't know that much. But by the same token, I tell myself that I shouldn't know so much, and life is a learning experience. It's the assurance of finding people both very similar and wildly different that can teach me exorbitant funds of knowledge that excites me about Earlham. I've been really banking on college to be my real life since, I don't know, the 6th grade and I'm really expending a lot of energy into finding the most suitable one. This is my 2nd visit to Earlham and I think it's where I belong, but it's incredibly expensive and I've been to other wonderful places as well. (Recently a magnificent trip to WA to see Western) Alas, I know all will be set in place however it settles :)
In other news, hooray for a new PostSecret! It's amazing how many of secrets I can relate to and how truly talented many of the senders are. I've yet to send in my own, but it's on my to do list.
As I sit here, sipping my oddly tasted-but not sour milk and hope I can find a suitable sweater, I also wonder about my "weed purse" I recently chose to wash--perhaps not the greatest idea. It was a handmade grade-A hippie purse, if you know what I mean, and it made everything completely purple; it basically re-dyed itself...and an unsuspecting towel and the inside of our drier. Oops. Hopefully it's salvageable...
p.s. happy birthday, Eric!
04 November 2008
Thank You.
03 November 2008
It's Time, America.
Alrighty, folks, this is it! As "the longest campaign in history" comes to a close, I can't help but feel a part of history. Not really, considering I can't vote and haven't made speeches or hosted those little house parties you get emails about. But, in my defense, I do have a sticker on my window and a button on my shirt. :) Anywho, I just sat throught Conan O'Brien so I could see The Decemberists perform "Days of Elaine" from the new single series. I'm super excited; mine shall arrive shortly by post because I'm "that sort of customer." One time I dared to guestimate just how much money had been spent on The Decemberists/Colin Meloy and it was quite a hefty sum. Let's see, we'd have to tally the cost of every CD, LP and vinyl specials, t-shirts, concert tickets, the gas to get to the concerts (and his house, which I found at about 1:30 in morning), nifty buttons and various odds and ends, hotel expenses, et cetera. As you can see, it's expensive being a "stationery groupie."
Enough about that, let's discuss literature. Well, I'll type and you may or may not read (I'm guessing the latter, just going out on a limb). I printed off a list of the 1001 books you must read before you die, highlighted the ones I've read (only ten), and rearranged my heavy laden shelves so all the aforementioned books are in a common location. Now, this weirdness dates back to my toddler years, when I had all of my Disney movies labeled alphabetically. I went on to arrange my shelves like that of a library, minus the nonfiction decimal system, it never turned me on.
The bit I take care of in the library ranges from 900-999. In reality, my excellent services are offered throughout the establishment, but I digress. This means some boring, stuffy books to which I tend. I honestly think people grab a copy of New Moon and stick it between all the Time Life volumes for humour. PSA: It's not funny.
Well, enough of my ranting. I should be off to bed. I have both an AP quiz and economics test on the morrow, neither of which I studied. But, in great news, I am privileged enough to sacrifice sleep for time spent with Kelly. Oh, happy day!
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