Hey howdy ho, yo! Today I am a bit heartbroken because a certain invitation did not make its way to my email inbox. But, what am I going to do in July? I haven't been home in July in 5 years! I've been in Great Britain, Iceland and J. Low. My dearest friends weren't receivers either, so we'll just go on a trip-to little Kentwood, Louisiana, to Serenity Ranch :) Hooray. Camp has been the single greatest experience of my life, and I've met many of my very closest friends there. It's helped make me a better person and taught me various skills. Plus, it was a total P-A-R-T-Why? 'Cuz I gotta! ha. Yep, we had some grand ol' times. Pictured above: some good buddies :)
I did receive the 2nd installment of the Decemberists Single Series. This time the vinyl is an attractive tealy blue and I love it. I'm anxiously awaiting the new tour...I need to know how many hours I have to drive ;)
Here's something really ghetto: I had to tape my saxophone with electrical tape because it is a piece of junk. Poor Johnny, he's served me well. And last nights confusion in the rain did nothing but worsen his malfunctions, I assure you.
Well, I say good day to you, for I should be doing something productive like college applications or cleaning or influencing young minds. I'll get back to you.
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