So, I've returned from Earlham with a fresh look at things, and with satisfaction of finding exactly what I sought. Earlham is full of young minds eager to engage themselves in a changing world, and fears of inadequacies were soon put to rest; in retrospect they now seem ridiculous and another token of proof towards my mild paranoia. Anyways, it was a wonderful stay. My host was really helpful in means of the real side of Earlham life; I was present for bitch sessions, party planning and, perhaps most importantly: free donuts. It is a rich community, and one that I soon hope to be a part. In addition, the food was splendid and there are lots of books!
Earlham also continued to remind me of J. Low. It was strange...like J. Low, with boys. Lots of people have buttons saying "I heart Consensus" and all that went through my mind was eye-contact and a silent room.
I sat in on EcoBio and Basic French...pretty interesting stuff. Pictured above is Bundy Hall, the dormitory in which I stayed. It was a cozy stay and I heard tell of it being the best-all the more reason for me to reside there-ha. Hopefully I will be awarded lots of cash!
In other news: WTF is wareate.com? I googled it and learned how sketch it was after someone told me a picture of mine was on there. Lame stains, scams and all. Well, tomorrow I return to my normal, unimpressive life, falling deeper into the set schedule by which I circumstantially choose to live. My wishes to you.
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