03 January 2009

It's Raining...

It's pouring here in Florida! Although while we were out it was comfortable and sunny. I'm typing this in the midst of a rather aggressive Wii tournament. A special note: I absolutely stink at everything! I did manage to win a baseball game a while ago. My cousin is in love with technology, if for no other reason than that they're shiny. My brother and I are very good at hiding out in the guest bedroom. Despite earlier setbacks (causing an outlet to spark and smoke), we have created for ourselves a..."connected" environment. If you were to peer in at any time of the night, you would find a couple of zombies making glances between laptops, television and cell phones. 

Oh, yay! Robot Chicken is on. Speaking of hilarious randomness, I found this whilst Stumbling:

Forgive me, but it does warrant some strategically placed, embarrassingly cliché text lingo: LMAO.


Alice said...

We love Wii in our house! What games were on then?

kara said...

Hello! We were playing baseball, golf, summer sports and bowling mostly.

Oh, and your hedgehog is very lucky to accompany you on such adventures!