22 January 2009

Keep On Keepin' On...

still hanging on. 
That's pretty much what I'm doing. Oh, and procrastinating. At this very moment, such impending dooms await me: extended reading in Frankenstein (btw, I am absolutely in love with Shelley's writing style! Her words just flow so well and nicely.), studying for a rather gruesome Biology test, contemplating my future, and reading for an annoying History test. What am I doing? Watching Scrubs, duh!

Not much new has happened recently, I find myself in the usual dross of school, band, etc. We're moving this weekend, and I'm rather ready to have some fun in a new environment. The set up looks to be wonderful, with my room a bit secluded and exiting to the patio :D

Well, my friends, I'm off to diving into the Jansport, rummaging around til I find some work to do. It shouldn't be hard. Cheers!

P.S. This looks way better on FLICKR, so go see it! 

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