04 February 2009

Oh, Jim Bob :)

Hello! My friends. Ahh...well, unsurprisingly, I am transfixed by the Duggar family and their latest happenings. I just watched Anna and Josh's wedding, and now 17 Kids & Counting is on. It's going to be a good evening. Haha. As with any impulsive obsession such as this, I accordingly found the most appropriate group on Facebook and promptly joined. You are now reading the words of a proud "The Duggar Family Frightens Me But I Can't Look Away" member :)

Sooo.....I'm 18 now. Yippeee. Of course I feel no different than the oh so glorious age of 17...My family and I are nicely settled in our new, wonderful home :) It's a pretty awesome layout. 

Wow, even the Duggars have a MacBook. I am lame. Oh well. I'd like to thank everyone for my splendid gifts, the academy, and you special people for making it a great day. 

Alright, I'm off to random article links on Wikipedia and Exploring on Flickr. Farewell! 

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