26 October 2008

A Dog's Day All Day.

Greetings. What about dogs? In my opinion, they should not be the subjects of endless personifications and feature films, save for The Lady and the Tramp. What brings this to mind? Beverly Hills Chihuahua. It is currently the 3rd worst film I have ever paid to see. (1st: Cloverfield, 2nd: Elf) Ridiculous. 

Also, today's general malaise was....canine. That is to say, that in this instance, canine is synonymous with lazy, humdrum, apathetic, et cetera. I did little but recover from my life. My drug of choice? Sleep. We hosted a band competition yesterday. I am sure it went fairly well with little to no hiccups, but I am not A. Cavin; I do not know everything. 

I am not particularly looking forward to tomorrow. I think of it as not much of anything other than another 24 hour period during which I will only grow more indecisive, closer to deadlines and proof that I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. :) But I'm sure it will be an adventure. That is worth living for. 

I've restarted New Moon in hopes of catching up in the Twilight series, but, honestly, I am a bit "behind the times" in any case of a popular series. For example, I am only 3 and 1/2 books into Harry Potter and they are like on the 8th movie or some such nonsense. Also, that Series of Unfortunate Events. I have been sitting somewhere in the 5th book since 7th grade. But I have read The Giver books, so that counts for something in Heaven.

In other news, the picture is a sign on a door at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Incredibly intelligent people worked behind this door. They had a friendly dog. Avocado likes science.

Well, I'll leave you to it. A bientot.

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