18 November 2008

Extra Thoughts.

Well, as usual, I am procrastinating. Honestly, that thicker-than-average Biology packet is not that attractive. Something that I cannot wait for? Britney's For the Record special that will be on MTV this Sunday! I am super excited. It's lame, but I really love Britney Spears. She has been through a lot, more than any normal person can fathom and it is no one's place to judge her or anyone else. Plus, I have EVERY album. I know my Britney, bitch. 

Not much else is happening. I am also very excited about Thanksgiving :) I particularly love stuffing. So good. Inevitably, a holiday means days out of school! Now, this convalescence will, of course, be interrupted by a hardy football match. You must understand...we are "the torchbearers of tradition-Patriot pride personified!" This belief is fundamental in the lives of many citizens here. Well, not particularly the band; we are just set up for failure and have no standards. Our Christmas show was not "cool" in the least.

Another of my guilty pleasures? Elton John. He owns, and there is no debating. I also know my Elton. I've got albums like no other nearly average person. 

I'm on the search for a suitable senior quote for the yearbook. It needs to embody so many things; a very comprehensive, expressive, intelligent, significant group of words. So many choices. In searching, I did find this particularly funny quote, if not mildly inappropriate:

“Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.”
—Woody Allen.

Hahahaha. Well, I should be off, there's reading to be done. And applications. And this general thing called life.

P.S. I started a blog with some formal writings from recent years. View my profile. :)

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