26 November 2008

Who You Callin' an Idiom?

Hey friends. I'm here at my grandparents' house watching Richie Rich. Oh, Macauley Caulkin-totally old school. So tomorrow is Thanksgiving! What a treat. There's Lemon Mousse in the freezer and freshly made Oreo balls all ready for tomorrow. Plus, I'm naturally looking forward to the stuffing :) Hooray. My uncle, aunt and their small child have ventured up from Florida, so tomorrow will surely be a day of family fun. Now, what am I thankful for? Of course, the obvious answers: family, friends, food, shelter, clothing, etc. I am also immensely appreciative of my ambitions. Sadly, so many people have no drive, no force behind their lives. I hope to grow into an intelligent, contributing member of society. In mentioning important things, EVERYTHING required for my college applications is due Monday. What do you think I've done? That's right, absolutely nothing. I do, however, have one rockin' recommendation letter from a certain Kelly Paschall. It's a beautiful thing. 

I have always wanted to go fencing. When I was a child, it represented that certain lifestyle of elegance, prominence and culture. It would be great fun. (The movie makes me think of this.) Speaking of my childhood, I was always very concerned with historical reputations. For some time I was completely obsessed with King Harold Godwinson and his role in the Battle of 1066. This fixation was no doubt welcomed by one of my favourite novels at the time, The King's Shadow. As many of you know, I also went through that terribly indulgent British craze...God Save the Queen. 

Today I went to the eye doctor and am slowly but surely getting used to a rather invasive pair of contact lenses. After the most unfortunate break of my more or less "trademark" purple glasses, I decided it was time to go for an update. I couldn't find any satisfying frames, so I'm still on the prowl.

The picture above is from Volunteer Girls State, taken through the peephole. Such a fun day :)

Oh, and I DID get the invite back to camp! Hooray!

Well, I bid you ado, and wish you a happy day of thanks.

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