27 November 2008

Tofurkey My Knurkey, Y'all.

Happy Thanksgiving! Today was pleasant enough, if not at least entertaining with my 
young cousin. The other night in kickboxing, this girl was talking about how 
vegetarians spend their Thanksgivings. Well, it's not that hard. Soy can be turned into 
anything, so we are pretty much set. Judging by the title, I began this with Tofurkey on
my mind, the healthy, well seasoned and peaceful alternative to our fowl friends. 
However, when I went to find a video on YouTube to lessen the necessity of my 
typings, I was led to Turducken videos. The girl in kickboxing also mentioned this 
edible portmanteau, if you will. I was like, "WTF;" much the same response warranted 
by the above clip. Anywho, I hope everyone enjoyed their festivities :)

btw: idk how to make it right with a video, in case you hadn't noticed. haha.

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