03 November 2008

It's Time, America.

Alrighty, folks, this is it! As "the longest campaign in history" comes to a close, I can't help but feel a part of history. Not really, considering I can't vote and haven't made speeches or hosted those little house parties you get emails about. But, in my defense, I do have a sticker on my window and a button on my shirt. :) Anywho, I just sat throught Conan O'Brien so I could see The Decemberists perform "Days of Elaine" from the new single series. I'm super excited; mine shall arrive shortly by post because I'm "that sort of customer." One time I dared to guestimate just how much money had been spent on The Decemberists/Colin Meloy and it was quite a hefty sum. Let's see, we'd have to tally the cost of every CD, LP and vinyl specials, t-shirts, concert tickets, the gas to get to the concerts (and his house, which I found at about 1:30 in morning), nifty buttons and various odds and ends, hotel expenses, et cetera. As you can see, it's expensive being a "stationery groupie." 

Enough about that, let's discuss literature. Well, I'll type and you may or may not read (I'm guessing the latter, just going out on a limb). I printed off a list of the 1001 books you must read before you die, highlighted the ones I've read (only ten), and rearranged my heavy laden shelves so all the aforementioned books are in a common location. Now, this weirdness dates back to my toddler years, when I had all of my Disney movies labeled alphabetically. I went on to arrange my shelves like that of a library, minus the nonfiction decimal system, it never turned me on. 

The bit I take care of in the library ranges from 900-999. In reality, my excellent services are offered throughout the establishment, but I digress. This means some boring, stuffy books to which I tend. I honestly think people grab a copy of New Moon and stick it between all the Time Life volumes for humour. PSA: It's not funny.

Well, enough of my ranting. I should be off to bed. I have both an AP quiz and economics test on the morrow, neither of which I studied. But, in great news, I am privileged enough to sacrifice sleep for time spent with Kelly. Oh, happy day!

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